Rob Zombie
STARRINGSid Haig - Captain Spaulding
Bill Moseley - Otis B. Driftwood
Sheri Moon Zombie - Baby Firefly
William Forsythe - Sheriff John Q. Wydell
Leslie Easterbrook - Mother Firefly
Ken Foree - Charlie Altamont
Danny Trejo - Rondo
Diamond Dallas Page - Billy Ray Snapper
Priscilla Barnes - Gloria Sullivan
Year - 2005
Score - 4 Howls Outta 4
In 2002, rock musician Rob Zombie wrote and directed a film called HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES that was to give horror fans what they wanted instead of the gorefests or PG-13 teen scares that passed off as horror films at the time. While the film was visually stunning and impressive for a first-time film director, the lack of character development and cohesive story and editing turned the much hyped film into an interesting failure of a film. All the right elements were placed, but they somehow were unable to merge into one. The film came off more like a tired remake of THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE than an original film, with interesting villains but sheep for victims that not even their mothers would care about. Whether it was Zombie's or the studio's fault for the end product, the film didn't live up to its potential.
I remember hearing about a proposed sequel of sorts to the film called THE DEVIL'S REJECTS back in early 2005. Being underwhelmed by HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES, I wasn't really excited to see Zombie's second film. After all, horror sequels are usually worse than the film it's based on. So while the trailers and TV spots looked interesting, I waited until DVD to watch it, waiting for more disappointment to set in. To my surprise, that feeling never came, as I was extremely glued to the screen from beginning to end. THE DEVIL'S REJECTS is an underrated modern classic - something that HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES should've been but wasn't for whatever reason.
Taking place some time after HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES, the local police finally catch up with the Firefly family (Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Sheri Moon Zombie, Matthew McGrory, Tyler Mane, and Leslie Easterbrook). Led by Sheriff Wydell (William Forsythe), the police manage to invade the Firefly home, killing Rufus (Mane) and capturing Mother Firefly (Easterbrook). Baby (Zombie) and Otis (Moseley) escape and hit the road, killing people for different reasons as they try and find some refuge from the law as they wait for Spaulding (Haig) to help them. They end up at a hotel, taking a family hostage, torturing all of them one-by-one with glee to pass up the time. Wydell, who wants revenge on the family since they murdered his brother in HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES, decides to take the law into his own hands and do whatever necessary to make the Firefly family pay for their crimes. This eventually leads to an intense and memorable last act, as Wydell and the Firefly clan confront each other for the first AND last time.
What can I say? I love THE DEVIL'S REJECTS. This is one of the few sequels in film history to truly be superior to its predecessor. It joins the list that also holds THE GODFATHER PART 2, STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN, STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and so on. Rob Zombie does not hold back with this film like he did with HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES. Since the studio learned their mistake with the first film, they backed off Zombie with the sequel and let the man do what he needed to do. And it's for the better. Whil

Rob Zombie does a fantastic job with the direction of the film. He doesn't play safe and by the rules here, letting his full vision of murder, mayhem, and bloodshed be all out in the open. The pacing is a lot better, the characters are more developed, and the film has a miserable and depressing mood and tone that the last one truly lacked. Zombie definitely seems more confident in his abilities as a director as well, as you can tell he was truly having fun making a neo-70s exploitation film that not only horror fans could enjoy. The use of slow motion in the murder scenes, the slideshow edits that truly creates a 70s-flick feel, and the scenes where the rockin' 70s tunes did the talking as the action rolled is truly amazing and extremely well-done. I also loved how the film looked watered down and almost dirty somewhat, as if you kind of need a shower after you watch it. And I liked the quick edits and jump cuts in this film, because I think it enhanced the tension and emotions of these characters. And while the violence was heavy, it was mostly implied as we barely see gore. That makes the film more scarier I think. Zombie is like a veteran after two films, which shows what a good director he is for having learned from his mistakes from CORPSES. Every shot, every take, every sequence meant something. All of them powerful on different levels. You felt something as you watched this film. Only a good director can do that. And Rob Zombie is a good director. A lot of people like to shoot down Zombie because he's a musician and fanboy of horror. But Zombie is more than that. He has a vision and he knows how to project it onto the screen. The man is becoming quite the visionary genius.
The script was also a lot tighter and more interesting.
While the Firefly family was still the focus and the more developed characters of the film just like in CORPSES [and rightfully so], their victims and the other supporting characters were just as developed enough for us to understand where they were all coming from. Sure, the hostages in the hotel weren't really developed enough for me to truly root for their survival. But they were less annoying and more believable than CORPSES victims. They were just cannon fodder for this family, but they were innocent people just staying at a hotel. We've all stayed at a hotel at

Speaking of "Freebird", the rest of the music rocked. From David Essex's "Rock On" to "Midnight Rider" by the Allman Brothers Band to "I Can't Quit You Baby" by Otis Rush, the soundtrack really enhanced the film's story and atmosphere. Zombie knows his music and picked all the right ones. Great stuff.
The acting was really great here, especially the four main characters. Sid Haig was awesome again as Captain Spaulding. He was still hilarious, but with a more sinister edge than before. He's still the only clown I'd hang with. That sex scene in the beginning and his scenes with the fat lady had me rollin'. Truly one of the best written characters ever. Bill Moseley as Otis was a lot better this time around. He was more sadistically funny and a lot meaner. Moseley looked like he worked out a little bit for the role and it enhanced his sinister edge. He kind of had that Manson vibe about him, going from sympathetic to frightening to sympathetic again. Just a great job. Sheri Moon Zombie was also a lot more tolerable as Baby Firefly. The laugh was gone. The baby voice was gone. She was a lot bitchier and pretty funny. I also felt bad for her during her scenes with William Forsythe's Wydell. She gets a lot of flack for being Zombie's wife, but I think she's a pretty good actress. So I can't complain. And William Forsythe stole the film as Sheriff Wydell. He was totally intense and incredibly believable in his anger, confusion, and vengeance. I felt bad for the guy at the beginning but that quickly changed towards the end when he became the villain of the last act. Forsythe made the film for me. Just a really well done performance.
And the other characters were just as good. Especially Ken Foree as Charlie the pimp. Really funny dude. I liked him a lot. Danny Trejo and Diamond Dallas Page were cool as the gang members. I believed that they were bad a

THE DEVIL'S REJECTS is a great film by a director who is jus

William Forsythe was excellent in this.
ReplyDeleteYeah he was. Just a fantastic film. Zombie needs to make more films like this instead of remakes.