No, not the one with the stains on it. I need that to blackmail a former politician.
Anyway, Pax Romano, from the very awesome [and should be followed] Billy Loves Stu, tagged me in a meme that has to do with posting images from films with a common theme. It started at Checking My Sausages and continued into Day of the Woman, before going to Pax, and now it falls onto me. And since I'm a good, no a GREAT blogger, I will perform my duty. But first, I'm tagging some people [muah ha ha ha!]:
The Kid In The Hall
Deadly Serious
The Spooky Vegan
Zombies Don't Run
Dollar Bin Horror
The Jaded Viewer
Now that we have that out of the way, it's time to announce the theme of this meme: HEAD.
No, not the kind of HEAD that requires someone to get on their knees and make an "O" face. Although if any lovely lady out there is willing to do that for me, I will gladly accept!
Since this is *mainly* a horror blog, I decided that today's theme is DECAPITATIONS in horror films. I'm sure there are many that I have missed, but these are the ones from the top of my head. So enjoy!

Fred - You are my freakin hero. Those be the best decaps I've seen in 2010 :-P Thanks for the shoutout.
ReplyDeleteAh ha!!! I already have done mine!!!
I love the images you picked! That basketball scene in Deadly Friend is the only good part of the entire movie, well, that and seeing yet another Little House on the Prairie member to a horror movie. Melissa Sue Anderson did it with Happy Birthday to Me, Midnight Offerings and a few others.
And that re-animator scene, yikes....that is definitely the kind of head no one wants...ick.
I loved that in Seven, when they had already shown so many graphic images that the never showed the head in the box, that they let us figure it out for ourselves... what you think can be far worse than what is actually shown.
And let me say, for the record Wolfie, you're a dirty, dirty boy...openly soliciting young ladies like that..shameless, lol. Let me know if it actually works, I may try it one day myself ;)
Dreaded Dreams
Petunia Scareum
btw, you have to check out Little Miss Zombies collection of images...Werewolves Transformations!
and now, I have tagged you in return for yet another horror meme
Dreaded Dreams
Petunia Scareum