Leslie H. Martinson
Adam West - Bruce Wayne/Batman
Burt Ward - Dick Grayson/Robin
Cesar Romero - The Joker
Burgess Meredith - The Penguin
Lee Merriwether - Catwoman/Kitka
Frank Gorshin - The Riddler
Alan Napier - Alfred
Neil Hamilton - Commissioner Gordon
Stafford Rett - Chief O'Hara
Genre - Action/Comedy/Fantasy/Comic Books
Running Time - 106 Minutes
When it comes to comic books, I'm a major Marvel Comics fanboy. Spider-Man, X-Men, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, etc. - I'm all for it. I'll buy and read the comics. I'll watch the cartoons. And I'll watch the films. I just find the characters more interesting than the ones in DC Comics. Superman is too perfect for me to relate to. Green Lantern and The Flash are cool, but I'm not invested in them as much as I'd like to be. Even Wonder Woman doesn't grab my attention all that much, even though she's one of the more interesting DC characters. But DC does have one hero that rises above the rest - even above some of Marvel's characters. And that hero is Batman.
Batman was created by Bob Kane in 1938, a character that has evolved with the times. Batman was just a regular comic book hero that turned into quite a phenomenon, most likely due to his gritty and realistic take of the world and how he manages to use detective skills to defeat his foes to overcome the lack of superpowers his fellow Justice League members possess. Batman has captured the imagination of so many, as well with the help of a deep rogues gallery that are as colorful as Batman himself. These ingredients led to the predictable evolution into live-action media.
In 1943, there were serials that used Batman and his loved and/or hated sidekick, Robin, as propaganda for United States patriotism during World War II. The villains were your stereotypical evil Japanese baddies who wanted to destroy everything that America stood for, leading to Batman and Robin teaching him and his goons a lesson or two. While admired back in 1943, the serials were considered laughable during the aftermath of World War II and beyond - more campy than the more serious comic books. Producer William Dozier was really taken by how ridiculously funny the serials ended up being, inspired to produce a Batman television series that played more like a parody rather than follow the dark tone of the comics. Thus from January 12, 1966 to March 14, 1968 [120 episodes] on ABC, Batman starring Adam West and Burt Ward was born. With its high camp factor and lighthearted take on the mythos, Batman was a big success. So big that it actually saved the comic book series from being cancelled [which had changed to match the campy tone of the TV show] due to the TV show helping the comics gain a huge audience it had lost during the 1950s and early 1960s. However, fans of the comics hated the comedic tone of the television show, which helped the comics go back to a much darker tone once the show was cancelled and lead to many successful movies from 1989 to the present.
While many consider Tim Burton's 1989 blockbuster, BATMAN, to be the first Batman feature film adaptation made for box office success, 1966's BATMAN: THE MOVIE was really the first feature to test Batman's popularity with the mainstream. Originally, the film was shot in order to boost ratings for the TV show. However, the TV show was a success from its pilot episode, making the film just another tool to help the producers cash in and make money off of merchandising sales. Whatever the reason for this film's existence doesn't change the fact that BATMAN: THE MOVIE is a silly, ridiculous, campy film that Batman fans will hate if they take it all too seriously. But if you ever loved the TV show and are able to open your mind to a more comedic take on Batman's adventures, then you'll love this film. To the Bat Cave with this review!
Gotham City is in big trouble as its four major villains - The Joker (Cesar Romero), The Penguin (Burgess Meredith), Catwoman (Lee Merriwether), and The Riddler (Frank Gorshin) - have their hands on a device that can turn people into dust by extracting their moisture. The villains plan on using this on nine world diplomats in exchange for a ransom and gain power over the world. Luckily, Batman (Adam West) and his loyal sidekick Robin (Burt Ward) are on their asses to make sure their plan doesn't succeed.
However, Batman is a bit distracted as his alter-ego, Bruce Wayne, has become smitten with Soviet reporter Kitka. What he doesn't know is that he's bait for a kidnapping since Kitka is really Catwoman out of her costume. Even if Batman can be saved and get his head back in the game, can he and Robin stop this frightening foursome from taking over the world? Or it curtains for the Dynamic Duo? Stay tuned - same Bat time...same Bat channel.

The narrative is pretty much the same narrative you'd get in any superhero movie: Villains want to harm world leaders to gain power, superheroes step in to save the day, add in a love sub-plot, and we know the rest. It's a fairly simple plot with a narrative that's easy to follow. It's your standard comic book film that luckily has more going for it than just that basic foundation. What makes this unoriginal comic book storyline stick out is the journey getting from beginning to end in terms of the dialogue and the bizarre scenes that flesh out this movie.
Seriously, who can forget that fake ass shark biting Batman's leg so hard that he needs Shark Repellent in order to kill it and watch it explode? What about that scene where Batman and Robin are magnetized on a buoy due to their belts, using a polarizer to destroy torpedoes - ending up being saved by sacrificial porpoises who risked their own lives to save the Dynamic Duo? And I honestly can't forget Batman's struggle trying to get rid of a bomb - not wanting to harm nuns, mothers with baby carriages, lovers making out, and even innocent ducks.
Plus, the dialogue is so strange that it's freakin' funny as hell. Especially during conversations between Batman/Robin and Commissioner Gordon, who must be the dumbest Commissioner of all time. Like getting a message from "P.N. Guin" [hmm...I wonder who that could be...], and deciphering the Riddler's riddles and answering them in ways that make no sense [yet helping them find the villains]. I also love Batman's stance on drinking and how it blinds inhibitions, which sounds like a PSA for the young kids watching the film. There are a lot of puns and funny references that make Batman look more like Frank Drebin rather than The World's Greatest

The character development isn't deep in a film like this, but there's not one unlikeable character in the film. While Batman and Robin are the main characters of the film, it's the villains that are the reason to watch. This usually seems to be a pattern in these Batman movies, but the bad guys are just so interesting that you kind of wish the good guys don't win at the end. The relationship between the four villains is quite humorous and the highlight of the film for me. While The Joker and The Riddler don't get that much to do really but be playful and act like goofs, Catwoman and The Penguin shine with their interesting alliance. Both characters get to play dual roles in an attempt to trick Batman and Robin [Catwoman is more successful at it, due to Penguin's constant squawking giving him away]. Both characters seem to be the ones pulling the strings [although Penguin is clearly the leader of this foursome]. And I love the way Catwoman and The Penguin act around each other. When around Penguin, Catwoman acts more feline like - laying down besides him seductively while running her claws on his arm, which Penguin doesn't really approve of. It just reminds you that cats and birds are natural enemies, and the two characters play that off. I wouldn't be surprised if Tim Burton wasn't inspired by this relationship for BATMAN RETURNS, where these two characters happen to be the villains of the film. Batman, and to a point Robin, are interesting heroes despite their goofiness and slapstick antics, but the villains are the glue that keeps this film together.
BATMAN: THE MOVIE obviously has a slightly bigger budget than the television show. While the sound effect cues are the same, the variety of vehicles that Batman and Robin have at their disposal trumps whatever was done in the television show. Besides the classic Batmobile, we have the Batchopper, the Batcycle, the Batboat, and etc. Even the Penguin gets his own submarine. I dig the different vehicles, and even the different contraptions both sides utilize.
The direction by Leslie H. Martinson is standard TV series direction. But BATMAN: THE MOVIE is filmed well, with bright colors, and decent cinematography. The film does feel long at times, especially during the end, but the pacing is good otherwise. The action sequences are silly, but that's the point, so it works. Seeing really bad stunt doubles during the final fight scene is pretty funny. It's shot like the Batman show but three times its length. I can't really complain about it because it carries the TV show's tone impeccably well.

- A shark bit Batman's knee to the point that Batman had to use shark repellent to make it explode. After stupidity like this, is there any wonder why Jaws wanted his revenge 20 years later?
- "A joke a day keeps the gloom away." Not if you're at a Dane Cook concert...
- Robin and Alfred were watching Bruce get his swerve on with Kitka. Even though he's Caucasian, his Dark Knight can compete with his black brothers...
- Batman had issues with getting rid of a bomb, not wanting to hurt innocent people and ducks. For some reason, I believe the Caped Crusader blew things out of proportion.
- Batman and Robin felt the villains turning the world leaders into dust was a problem. Ironically, this act could potentially solve the world's problems.

3.5 Howls Outta 4