Tom Holland
William Ragsdale - Charley Brewster
Chris Sarandon - Jerry Dandridge
Roddy McDowall - Peter Vincent
Amanda Bearse - Amy Petersen
Stephen Geoffreys - 'Evil' Ed Thompson
Jonathan Stark - Billy Cole
Dorothy Fielding - Judy Brewster
Genre - Horror/Comedy/Vampires
Running Time - 106 Minutes
The 1980s were mostly good for the horror genre. The slasher film sub-genre was raking in a ton of cash until eventually over-saturating itself. Werewolves actually appeared in good films with great special effects and not the horrible CGI that ruins them now. And the vampire had a great decade as usual, with films like NEAR DARK, VAMP, THE HUNGER, and THE LOST BOYS. Those looking for lighter fare in their horror were also in luck, as movies such as GHOSTBUSTERS, ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK, and even the later A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET sequels were pretty successful. One of those lighter fare films that did well and has gained a ton of love over the years has been 1985's FRIGHT NIGHT.
A horror-comedy dealing with sexy vampires and kooky characters, many favor FRIGHT NIGHT over THE LOST BOYS and NEAR DARK. Maybe it's because it tends to be more humorous than the others. Maybe it's because Chris Sarandon seduced the audience just as much as some of the characters as the head vampire. Maybe because it was somewhat aware of itself in bringing the idea of vampires into a postmodern, contemporary setting that many people could relate to. FRIGHT NIGHT is very much your commercial vampire tale that appealed to the mainstream at the time, which is why it's no surprise that a remake has always been released by the time you read this review, whether we want it to exist or not. Still, is FRIGHT NIGHT worth the admiration after 26 years? Or has nostalgia clouded many people's heads? Let's sink our fangs into one of the most popular vampire films ever made.
Charley Brewster (Willaim Ragsdale) is a horror film geek who is starting to become frustrated with his shy, virgin girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse), while amusing his weird friend 'Evil' Ed (Stephen Geoffreys). Charlie is living his life as a normal teenager until Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon) moves next door. Apparently one night after spying on Jerry with a beautiful female guest, he notices that Jerry has fangs and plans to force them into the girl's neck. Charley figures out that his new neighbor is a vampire, but no one will believe his story.
When Jerry threatens his life, as well as the lives of his family and friends, Charley turns to a local horror host named Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall), who starred in many films as a vampire hunter. Peter doesn't believe Charley's story either, until one night where he notices that Jerry doesn't cast a reflection in a mirror. Realizing that Charley's friends are now on to him, Jerry makes sure to turn them all against each other until he takes them all down one by one.
FRIGHT NIGHT is a quintessential 80s vampir

The narrative of FRIGHT NIGHT works because it takes a realistic look of suburbia and gives it a supernatural twist that's not too far-fetched. The teen characters want to make out, have sex, and be accepted for who they are and what they believe in - in other words, they're normal teenagers. They also watch horror movies and know the rules on how to deal with certain monsters in case the need arises. There's also the aspect of oblivious parents who have no idea what they children are up to or how unsafe their neighborhood is. Plus, who hasn't wondered about our own neighbors and what they're really like behind closed doors? Sure, they may not be vampires like Jerry, but they could be a serial killer or a sexual deviant. So the story is believable in that way and doesn't dumb it down to appeal to a younger demographic. Because of this, it's easy to see why viewers admire this film.
There's also the very simple tale of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" here going on as well. Charley sees Jerry's vampire ways, from biting people, to entering invited homes with ease, and even turning into his true vampire form. Yet, no one believes him because the idea of a vampire isn't a concept these characters can grasp in a realistic setting. Charley looks insane because vampires are only seen as a construct of literature and cinema, which causes him to lose the respect of his peers and his community until it's proven that Jerry is indeed a member of the undead. It's a story we've all been told as children to show us the harm of lying constantly to the point that no one will believe us when we actually tell the truth. FRIGHT NIGHT doesn't really explore this aspect all that much since we don't really know Charley's character before the film's events, but it makes the film easier to follow and understand.
I also believe the homages to other films and some of the themes presented in FRIGHT NIGHT have helped the film maintain its audience. We obviously get the REAR WINDOW reference with Charley spying on Jerry with binoculars. Peter Vincent [named after Peter Cushing and Vincent Price] starred in vampire films that look strangely similar to Hammer Horror. Plus he hosts a horror show, which a lot of us really loved back in the 80s and early 90s. Even though Elvira is still doing one, I feel as if the genre lost something special with the lack of horror hosts these days. As for the themes, probably the most prominent one is the homosexuality of vampires. Jerry not only seduces women, but obviously Ed, who doesn't seem to fit in for some reason and lets Jerry change him in order to gain some sort of power. It's well known as Stephen Geoffreys, who played Ed, is gay in real life. So it's easy to see why it was added with such subtext in the script. Also, Jerry lives with Billy Cole, who acts

I do think some of the narrative has issues. For one, Charley seems to be well known in horror since he's a huge fan of Peter Vincent. If that's the case, why does he feel the need to ask Ed about how to kill a vampire? Wouldn't he already know that? This is done to tell the audience "vampire rules", but it contradicts with Charley's character. Also, what was Jerry's deal with Amy? Somewhere in Jerry's past, he fell in love with a woman who looked like Amy. Yet we don't understand what happened or even who this woman is. It also makes Amy's sudden attraction to Jerry suspect. Are we supposed to believe that Amy is a descendant of this woman and that her spirit lives within her or something? Some explanation could have helped. Other than that, Tom Holland wrote a solid screenplay.
As a vampire film, FRIGHT NIGHT is expected to have some grue and special effects. While other vampire films may be scarier and have more violence, FRIGHT NIGHT is no slouch either. We get some gooey stuff here, like a pencil stabbed through a hand, some slashed throats, and the usual staking and sunlight deaths. The special effects and make up are also pretty cool. Jerry's transformation into his demonic vampire form looks dated a bit, but it's better than any CGI. I love the reverse werewolf transformation that's a homage to AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. And the decomposing body into slime is awesome. Richard Edlund did all this stuff and I think it still looks great after all these years.
The direction by Tom Holland, who would later direct CHILD'S PLAY, is excellent. It's not an overly stylish film, but Holland keeps a great pace and a lot of atmosphere that increases the mood and suspense as the film plays out. I think the scenes in the alley, Charley's bedroom, the night club, and the finale are all great visually, creating seductive and tense moments most films try to do but fail at. I also think the comedic moments are handled very well also. The film looks very nice and the editing is tight. FRIGHT NIGHT is a great looking vampire film that would have been the MTV-generation's vampire flick if it weren't for THE LOST BOYS two years later.
The acting in FRIGHT NIGHT is pretty solid as well. William Ragsdale as Charley handles his part well. He's not the best actor and he does play the role a bit whiny at times, but it never gets annoying. He's quite likeable i

- Charley enjoys making out with Amy while Peter Vincent hosts Fright Night. I enjoy making out while watching Elvira's Movie Macabre - with my pillow as I dry hump my bed.
- Jerry seduces beautiful women to his house to bite their necks and feed on them. Knowing me, if I were a vampire I'd probably catch a fatal blood disease or something.
- Charley stabbed Jerry in the hand with a pencil to stop him from killing him. Too bad it was a #2 pencil. If it were a #1, that vamp would have been dust.
- Jerry wants to stop Ed's emotional suffering by turning him into a strong vampire. Ed was eager because he'll be receiving a stake much lower than the heart more than once.
- A character melted into green slime. Man, the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards were hardcore back in the 1980s.
- Amy because a seductive, manipulative, and vicious vampire. If Al Bundy had messed with her then, Married...With Children would have been 10 seasons shorter than it was!

Even though I'm sure a lot of people will see the remake this weekend, the original FRIGHT NIGHT more than holds its own and it's definitely worth rewatching every year. There are only a few more entertaining vampire films than this one - great direction, good acting, and a well told story wrapped around eighties cheese. Fans and non-fans should continue taking a bite out of this one to show that no remake was necessary. Even though it's a vampire film, FRIGHT NIGHT doesn't at all suck.

Horror hosts were great, it's a damn shame they're not really around anymore.
ReplyDeleteAs for Elvira's Movie Macabre's latest iteration, do you know if it's good?
Saw this one in the theater as a teen, always had fond memories of it! Terrific review.
ReplyDeleteOne of my fav vampire movies! I isjut wish there was a special edition of the DVD or a nice blu-ray release.
ReplyDelete@Chris - Yeah, I remember Joe Bob Briggs and Rhonda Shear and even Elvira back in the day. I think the genre lost something when they went away. As for Elvira's new show, I've only seen two but it's pretty good. They're out on DVD now, I believe - well some of them anyway. I hope she gets picked up for another season just to keep the tradition going.
ReplyDelete@Will - Thanks. I would have loved to have seen this in theaters. Sometimes I feel I was born a bit too late.
@Gio - Definitely needs a Special Edition DVD/Blu-Ray. I'm surprised there wasn't one in time for the remake. That's usually the case with the originals.
Another great review! I had no idea that McDowell's character's name was an homage.
ReplyDeleteI will probably be killed with a stake through my heart for admitting this but Fright Night never really worked for me. I did not hate it. But when I first saw it at the the movies, back in the day, I sort of shrugged my shoulders when it was over. Sure, Sarandon gave Frank Lagngella a run for his money as one of the more seductive blood suckers of all time, and Roddy McDowell was obviously having a ball; but the rest of the cast just seemed to be over acting or phoning it in (worst actress of all time was the woman who played Charley's mom - damn that woman was downright awful), and Ragsdale (as you put it) seemed whiny. Amanda Bearse is a one note sort of actress, so the damsel in danger did not suit her...and don't get me started on future gay porn star, Stephen Geoffreys, his performance was akin to nails on a chalk board.
A few years later I re watched it, and realized what a gay pedigree this movie has (Geoffreys, Bearse and McDowell are all gay), and Jerry's zombie/man servant was a pretty cute touch (how did I miss that the first time I saw it). But all in all, I give it a great big, "meh". Oh and no, I am not going to see the remake.
I can respect your feelings on this film. You're right - the mom is very annoying. I think Holland agreed since she was never seen again after the first 30 minutes of the film. Amanda Bearse is definitely one-note, which worked on Married...With Children. But she's not made to be a damsel in distress. Stephen Geoffreys, as annoying he can get, is oddly appealing in this film. I think it's because he's so out there that he stands out.
ReplyDeleteAs for the homoerotic stuff, I'm sure a lot of people didn't question it in 1985. But in 2011, anyone can definitely see it. It's obvious Jerry was bisexual, as he flirted with Billy and Ed, while seducing Amy to be his vamp bride. It was very interesting watching it again as an adult. You miss so many of these themes and layers when you're younger and less wise.
Terrific review, Fred. This has always been a fairly popular film and loved faithfully by horror fans, but it's nice to see it getting that much more notoriety now that a remake has been released.
ReplyDeleteAs a kid, the homosexuality of course flew over my head, and as you mention is pretty noticeable now and certainly acknowledged by Tom Holland, Chris Sarandon and Tom Sullivan on the Icons of Fright Pirate Commentaries.
An interesting point; Sarandon did research on vampires and bats when he landed the role, and came up with the fruit eating on his own, after thinking it would be neat to give his character the DNA of a fruit bat. He sees is as like Dandrige cleansing his palette after dining out on a victims neck.
On a side note, love the look of your blogger page!Really easy on the eyes. :)
I think a lot of horror films back in the 70s and the 80s had a few homoerotic themes hidden within them. FRIGHT NIGHT does it with subtlety, but it's definitely there.
ReplyDeleteAs for Sarandon and the apples, I honestly didn't see that correlation. Thanks for info about the fruit bat. That's actually pretty cool and shows what a great actor Sarandon is for even researching that.
And thanks about the look. I feel my reviews should be the centerpiece of the blog, not the background and whatnot. :)
Loved Roddy Mcdowell in this. Have no desire to see the remake.