Sorry for the lack of blogage [it's a word, I made it up!] lately. October and all the horror movies I've watched had burnt me out. The last couple of reviews were films I actually watched last month. But I'm in the process of watching some stuff finally this month and there should be reviews for these films soon.
In the meantime, I was honored a couple of weeks ago with a new Blog Award by the lovely Jenny Krueger of Memoirs of a Scream Queen [it's a blog you should all follow if you haven't already done so]. I want to thank Jenny for the iDig Your Blog Award. Pretty darn neat. :)
Here are the blog award rules: 1 ) Gratefully accept this award. 2 ) Link to the person you received it from. 3 ) Post 3 interesting facts about yourself. 4 ) Pass this award around to at least 5 blogs you dig. 5 ) Notify them.
1. I'm addicted to Swedish Fish.
2. I always eat lasagna on my birthday. It's been a tradition for who knows how long.
3. I used to break dance back when I was younger during the 80s. Now, I'll probably break something dancing...
1. Jude Felton from The Lair of Filth
This dude is a horror freak just like yours truly. He posts news and reviews quite frequently and always tells it like it is. I really enjoy reading his stuff.
2. Matt Poirier from Direct to Video Connoisseur
Great blog and great guy in general. He focuses on films that go straight to the home market rather than theaters. Plus he has an (un)healthy obsession with Dolph Lundgren, not like that's a bad thing...
3. Nathan Hamilton from Son of Celluloid
Another horror freak, Nathan is one of the many people I met through Facebook's Halloween Hack & Slash Madness contest that I happened to be a judge [one of three] of. He posted a list of 31 Darwin Awards during the entire month of October, listing horror characters that were pretty...how can I say it...stupid in context of the film they happened to be in. Entertaining and a lot of it very true, I feel this series of blog posts justifies a plug and an award.
4. James Gracey from Behind the Couch
James is the writer of this fantastic horror blog where he really dissects the films and analyzes them quite intelligently. He took the time in October to review every single HALLOWEEN film, really looking deep inside each one and giving his honest opinion of why it did or didn't work. I don't agree with all of his posts, but I do respect each one since he puts a lot of time and love into each one while backing up his point.
5. Eric King from Robocop's Sad Side
Eric is one of my biggest supporters on Blogger and on Facebook, so I figured I'd return the favor. Eric's blog is funny, honest, and entertaining to read. He doesn't have a lot of followers [he should] and he works hard to entertain his audience. So he gets an award as well without hesitation.
Congrats on the award Fred! Well deserved. And thanks so much for your kind words. Means a lot.
ReplyDeleteHope you're keeping well. ;)
Congrats, bro!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award Fred!
ReplyDeleteAlso, on your recommendation I've been watching X-Men: The Animated Series for the last few days. I've been going through it fine despite my limited comic-book knowledge, but I need help with one thing (assuming you still remember): In the Beyond Good And Evil 4-parter, at the end, the goofy clown guy who hung around the time axis thingie morphed into some guy with a silly hat, do you know who he is?
Thanks guys! And James, no thanks necessary. Your blog is awesome!
ReplyDeleteAnd Chris, to answer your question, Bender [the goofy clown guy] turns into Immortus. Immortus is a classic Fantastic Four and The Avengers villain in the comics, where has been also been known as Kang the Conqueror. He has no special powers, but does have super-intellect and the knowledge of manipulating time with the use of gadgets and such. Hope that helps.
Thanks! Now the only mystery about X-Men: The Animated Series is what the hell Cable was doing in the 'Slave Island' episode, and I get the feeling that no-one knows that! haha!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your award and thank you for passing it along. PS - You knew me before THE MADNESS.
ReplyDeleteNo problem, Nathan. And yes, you're right. The whole Madness messed up my timeline and burnt me out. I apologize for that.