Jeff Woolnough
Matt Battaglia - Luc Devereaux/GR 44
Chandra West - Veronica Roberts
Burt Reynolds - Gerald Risco
Richard McMillan - Dr. Walker
Claudette Roche - Grace/GR 83
Juan Chioran - Charles Clifton
Jeff Wincott - Eric Devereaux/GR 87
Genre - Action/Science Fiction
Running Time - 96 Minutes
In this second "unofficial" sequel, Luc Devereaux (Matt Battaglia) and Veronica Roberts (Chandra West) travel to some internet conference in Toronto, Canada. Apparently Veronica knows someone in the journalism business [an ex-boyfriend (Ju

Luc and Veronica end up coming back to the United States, where both are still wanted and learn that Luc's parents and their home were burned down in a fire. Luc realizes that the Universal Soldiers did this, under the control of Deputy CIA Director Gerald Risco (Burt Reynolds), who created the UniSol program and names the soldiers after him. Apparently Risco is a dirty government official, using his creations to steal a shipment of gold that's being sent to the victims of the Holocaust.
While Luc and Veronica plan revenge against Risco, Dr. Walker (Richard McMillan) takes some of Eric Devereaux's (Jeff Wincott) DNA and makes a clone of him. He raises the clone as his own, using him as a weapon to bait Luc and bring him back to the UniSol program.
- Slightly better acting than in UNIVERSAL

- More interesting subplots. Unlike UNIVERSAL SOLDIER II, this installment had different subplots going on at once that had me involved in what was happening on screen. Since this 90-minute film was meant to be two one-hour episodes, UNIVERSAL SOLDIER III: UNFINISHED BUSINESS seemed to be what the rest of the planned season would have been about if the series had actually been picked up by The Movie Channel. Luc's life transitions after his parents are murdered, his "brother" returns, and his bond with Veronica Roberts grows. Also, with the return of Gerald Risco, the guy who created the UniSol program, the main villain of the show was set up and would have led to some decent confrontations between the two parties. This is other stuff, like Veronica's past being slowly revealed, and Dr. Walker's obsession with Luc and using a clone of his brother to bait him and prove that he could just create a better Universal Soldier out of DNA. Plus add in a hostage situation and more scenes where things actually happen rather than for padding. Now as for how they're executed, that's a different story I'll get to in just a moment.
- Better use of soundtrack. While the music wasn't great and still kind of annoyed me, at least it was used at the right moments. Plus we didn't have songs that didn't relate to the scene they were accompanying. Wish the soundtrack was more interesting to listen to though, but at least my ears were spared this time around.
- The direction - again. Jeff Woolnough returns as director and the visuals are just as terrible as they were in the l

- The execution of the narrative. Like I mentioned earlier, there's more going on in this installment. That's a good thing because the last film didn't have enough going on. But just because you have interesting ideas doesn't mean that they'll come across as more than just ideas. The depth level in UNIVERSAL SOLDIER III: UNFINISHED BUSINESS just isn't there to make these ideas matter at the end. Gerald Risco wants to steal gold - but it doesn't really go anywhere. For one, it doesn't help that Risco is barely in the film to begin with. You'd think Dr. Walker was the main villain with his massive screen time. Hell, I don't even remember why he even wanted the gold to begin with. That's not good storytelling! Also, Veronica's fugitive status doesn't really seem like a big deal since she pretty much walks around in bright daylight with hardly anyone recognizing her unless there's a Wanted poster of her nearby. And she gets pardoned at the end by uncovering the UniSol program. Why would she be pardoned for doing that? The program is Government funded! Makes no sense. The biggest one really had to be the Eric clone. He's raised in a lab his entire life, thinking Dr. Walker is his dad and that Luc is the enemy. When Eric and Luc have their confrontation, Eric remembers Luc as his brother. But Eric couldn't have known that if he were a clone. DNA doesn't work that way. It left me completely baffled! Plus we got another person who didn't react well to the UniSol reprogramming, but it was never explained why this person had the ability to reject it while most others can't. I'm glad the writers brought up multiple sub-plots to keep the film moving, but they were just handled very poorly.


Here's hoping that the upcoming Universal Soldier movie actually has both JCVD and Dolph Lundgren in it for more than 10 minutes, unlike US: Regeneration!
ReplyDeleteI just hope it's better than the two I just watched. Thankfully the next review is for something good.