Iain Softley
Kate Hudson - Caroline Ellis
Gena Rowlands - Violet Devereaux
John Hurt - Ben Devereaux
Peter Sarsgaard - Luke Marshall
Joy Bryant - Jill Dupez
Maxine Barnett - Mama Cynthia
Genre - Horror/Thriller/Supernatural/Witchcraft
Running Time - 103 Minutes
Caroline Ellis (Kate Hudson) works at a hospice, quickly becoming sick of her job as she watches the elderly die without family or friends to care for them. Looking for another job, she accepts a caregiver position in New Orleans. The patient is Ben Devereaux (John Hurt), who is stuck in a wheelchair, mute, and supposedly doesn't have that much more time to live. Ben's wife, the very opinionated Violet (Gena Rowlands), doesn't really appreciate Caroline's presence

Since Caroline is living inside the Devereaux mansion, Violet gives Caroline a skeleton key that will open every door inside the house. When upstairs in the attic, Caroline finds a door that the key won't open. Violet claims this door hasn't been opened in over the forty years she has lived there. Becoming curious, Caroline decides to find out what's behind the door. Her nosiness starts to effect her, as she starts seeing visions and hearing things from the former residents that had passed away. Even the people around her start acting stranger than usual. Caroline realizes the answers lie behind the mysterious door, but the truth may be worse than she ever imagined.
- The acting. What really keeps THE SKELETON KEY afloat is the solid acting by everyone involved. Kate Hudson is usually hit-and-miss for me, but she's really good as Caroline. The character would probably look pretty one-note and uninteresting on paper, but Hudson gives her life and personality - as well as depth that text couldn't provide. She plays Caroline as an intelligent, tough, and savvy woman, and it works for the character. I've always been a fan of Gena Rowlands and her performance as Violet is no exception. It's obvious from the start that you can't trust her, and Rowlands plays it up. In a lot of ways, she adds a touch of class to THE SKELETON KEY - giving a powerful, and sometimes creepy, performance in where she steals every scene she's in. John Hurt sold me as the poor stroke victim. He barely speaks, but his eyes tell you everything you need to do. Some have called his performance a waste of his acting abilities, but I thought he did a great job. Peter Sarsgaard displays his charisma as usual as lawyer Luke. My only issue was probably his on-and-off New Orleans accent. But other than that, I dug him. And Joy Bryant played the best friend role well. Just a nice cast that made the film probably better than it had any right to be.
- The direction. Iain Softley,

- Engaging story. The screenplay is not perfect by any means, but you're definitely invested by the narrative. Ehren Kruger, who's written screenplays for SCREAM 3, THE RING, THE RING TWO, and others, is also hit-and-miss with me as well. And while not everything on the script is great or works to the best of its ability, he gives THE SKELETON KEY a nice pace and interesting moments that keep you watching. Instead of trying to scare viewers right away with pointless "jump scares" and "scary visuals", Kruger lets the story play out naturally. In fact, strange things don't really happen until 30 to 45 minutes into the film. Kruger allows the viewer to acquaint themselves with the situation, the locations, and the characters before getting into what the purpose of the film actually is. It may turn off those with short attention spans, but I appreciated the confidence Kruger had in the storytelling.
The hoodoo stuff may have come off a bit cliche, as other films like ANGEL HEART, I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, and SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW handled the idea of hoodoo/voodoo much better. But in terms of the story, the cliches worked and didn't bother me. Anyway, the hoodoo stuff led to the twist ending - which I liked a lot. It's not a bad screenplay. Could it have been more original? Stronger? Scarier? Sure. But for what it is, it's more than capable to entertain the viewer.
- Too predictable. The main issue with THE SKELETON KEY is that, if you've seen enough of these type of films, you know exactly how it'll play out. It's easy to spot who will be the good guys and who will be the villains. You'll see the twist ending coming a mile away. As a matter of fact, I wish they had just done the twist without

- Not enough genuine scares. For a horror-thriller, it didn't really creep me out or scare me much at all. Most horror films these days don't have that effect on me much anymore, but I do jump every now and then. It's funny because I felt the mood and atmosphere quite a bit, but I wish it was thicker and had really pushed the mystery and terror a bit more. You can do a lot with hoodoo and black magic in general to create a semi-scary flick. I think THE SKELETON KEY had potential to be something really memorable, but just ends up being your standard PG-13 horror film. That's not a bad thing really, but you can tell there could have been more done with the premise in terms of fear.
THE SKELETON KEY is a watchable P

Big fan of The Skeleton Key since day one, loved how spooky it is and loved the setting. I liked how it placed the non-believer vs. the believers. The idea that if you dont believe in something, it cant harm you? That it's all in your head. Im going to be including this one in put this one on my Religion Bashing Films Part 3 blogpost.
ReplyDeleteI wish it was spookier because it doesn't really effect me in that way. But it is entertaining, cliches and all, and I think the actors take a one-note screenplay and make it better than it actually is. I wish Kate Hudson would do more films like this instead of terrible rom-coms. I look forward to your post.
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally agree what your saying about Gena Rowlands...she steals the show on this one! Agree the film is cliched, but I always say its not what you say but how you say it that counts, and this one did a pretty decent job of playing with familiar themes in an interesting and entertaining way. Agree, Hudson should keep away from Rom coms already! She's better off doing cool films like this one and Almost Famous!
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of ridiculous how much I like this movie. No, it's not particularly scary and it is a tad predictable, but the hits you mentioned are all the reason I like The Skeleton Key. The actors are great, and I love Kate Hudson's character and Gena Rowlands's acting. The story keeps you interested until the end. Plus, it's got a great setting in the bayous of Louisiana. Not an amazing film, but one that it is actually really good and sadly overlooked.
ReplyDeleteThought this was a solid thriller. Peter Sarsgaard is always good. He was also excellent in Shattered Glass.
ReplyDeleteIs there a second part that came out to this movie
ReplyDeleteYeah there is. From what I hear though, it's one to avoid. Heard nothing but really negative things about it.