By Mike Huntley
After the box office failure of Superman IV: The Quest For
Peace in 1987, it seemed that the Superman saga was indeed closed for
good. Hollywood suddenly went crazy with that other costumed DC Comics
character who wears a cape when Batman came to the cinema in summer
1989. Batman became a sensation and you couldn't go anywhere without
seeing the Bat logo. Batman spawned three sequels and just like
Superman, faded from the public eye after 1997's epic failure Batman
& Robin. The 2000s saw a revival of the superhero genre with Fox and
Marvel's 2000 hit X-Men, directed by Bryan Singer. Then in 2002, Sam
Raimi found success with Spider-Man. All the sudden the superhero film
genre was booming. Warner Bros. decided that it was time to resurrect
their top two costumed heroes. Summer 2005 saw a rebirth of Batman when
director Christopher Nolan released Batman Begins to good success. After
achieving success with 20th Century Fox with his X-Men sequel in 2003,
director Bryan Singer turned down directing X-Men 3 in order to revive
the long dead Superman franchise. Before Superman IV was a failure, WB
and Christopher Reeve had planned to make a fifth film. In 1995, actor
Christopher Reeve was in a horrible horseback riding accident that left
him paralyzed from the neck down. Sadly, Christopher Reeve passed away
due to heart failure from complications due to his illness in 2004.
Bryan Singer wanted to revive Superman by treating this new film as if
it were Superman III and a direct sequel to Superman II, yet set in
modern day. Brandon Routh would replace Christopher Reeve as
Superman/Clark Kent, Kate Bosworth would replace Margot Kidder as Lois
Lane, and Kevin Spacey would take over the role of Superman's arch
nemesis Lex Luthor from Gene Hackman. In summer 2006, Superman Returns
flew into theaters to mixed reactions and not so super box office
Superman has been missing for 5 years after he went away to see if there
was anything left out there of his home world of Krypton. Suddenly, he
falls from the sky and crashes at the Kent Farm. Clark Kent returns to
The Daily Planet to find that Lois is upset with Superman for leaving
without saying good bye, is married to Perry White's nephew Richard, and
has a 5 year old son. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor has been released from
prison and is trying to destroy Metropolis and create his own continent
by causing tremors in the ocean's crest. Luthor also wants revenge on
Superman for putting him away. Will Superman's return make the world
better or was the world better off without him?

I can remember first seeing the trailer for Superman
Returns back when I went opening day to see Batman Begins. At that point
in my life (I was 17 years old), I had never seen any of the Superman
movies. Only bits and pieces of Lois & Clark, most of Superman The
Animated Series, and the first few seasons of Smallville. Superman
Returns was the first and only Superman movie I have seen in the theater
before Man of Steel in a few days. My Dad and I went opening night. I
remember thinking it was okay, but I preferred what I was seeing on
Smallville and in Superman The Animated Series. I gotta be honest, this
is probably the fourth time I've actually watched this movie and the
third time I've seen it on DVD at home. Yeah, this ain't the kinda
superhero film I find myself watching over and over. Hell, I've watched
Batman & Robin more than this film and that film was terrible. BUT, I
was entertained by it so the 2 hours breezed by. One of my biggest
complaints about Superman Returns is that it is too damn long and drags a
lot. The Dark Knight is 2 hours and 24 minutes. The Dark Knight Rises
is 2 hours and 36 minutes. But, both fly by because they are ACTION
PACKED and ENTERTAINING! Superman Returns has some cool special FX, I
give them that but it is not an action packed movie. All Superman does
is basically mope about Lois or lift heavy shit. The scene where
Superman saves the people in the airplane and lands it at a baseball
stadium right on the field was cool. All of the scenes of Superman
flying were cool. Superman using his heat vision and super breath was
cool, but we don't get to actually see him fight anybody because all the
villains are Human Beings and Superman can't punch one of us because it
would kill us unlike someone with super powers like General Zod or a
alien artifical intelligence like Brainiac or a Hell God like Darkseid!
Thank the Heavens that we get to see some super action in Man of Steel
this week!
Another issue I have is that this film didn't do anything
fresh or different than Superman The Movie and Superman II other than
having a whole new cast/crew and having a bigger budget for better
special FX. In my honest opinion, WB should have just rebooted the
franchise like Nolan did with Batman, which is what they are doing this
summer with Man of Steel. While I like the first two Christopher Reeve
films a lot, they have kinda haunted the character. For too long, the
general public and fans too wanted new Superman stuff to be like those
movies. And apparently Bryan Singer did too as he played this as a
sequel to Superman II set in 2006. Also another thing that truly
irritates me and everyone else is that Lex Luthor is basically the main
villain in every movie except for Superman II and III. Therefore, we
haven't had the chance to get more of Superman's rogues in a film. It
would be like having The Joker be the main villain in every Batman
movie. Fans and audiences would get sick of it and want someone else as
the villain. The Batman movies have been good about having a different
set of villains in each movie. That's not to say that I never want Lex
Luthor to be a villain again, but give me a villain who's an alien along
with him. I have a strong feeling that we will see Lex Luthor as a
villain in Man of Steel 2, but I pray they use Brainiac along with him
to give Superman both a Human and alien threat. One to outsmart and the
other to physically punch through space.
The characters for the most part were played very
wooden especially Superman and Lois Lane. In fact, Lois came off as a
bit of a bitch in this film. Superman just looked sad and bored most of
the time. Although Clark Kent seemed a little more alive. I dug the new
Jimmy Olsen. Perry White wasn't angry enough for me unlike the other
films. Also, Superman has a kid? Interesting...

Negatives aside, I did love Lex Luthor in this movie. I
actually liked him more than the Luthor we got in the Christopher Reeve
films. He seemed a little darker and more deranged while still being a
maniac. Like I said before, the special FX were pretty solid. Would
have been better with some action though. I dug the opening credits
sequence and the classic John Williams music score. I kinda dug the new
suit. The movie looked good visually. The flashback scene with young
Clark doing giant leaps through the cornfield was fun. I didn't feel
like I was being tortured, just sitting for too long. The scene where
Lex and his crew beat up Superman and Lex stabs Supes with a shard of
Kryptonite was intense. I also dug when Superman tells his son what
Jor-El told him, "The son becomes the father and the father becomes the
The acting varied. Brandon Routh was one I didn't care for as Superman,
yet thought he was an okay Clark Kent. Still no Christopher Reeve
though. He lacked the charm and warmth that Reeve brought to the role.
Did not care for Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. Sam Huntington was a good
Jimmy Olsen I thought. Parker Posey annoyed me as Eve Teschmacher's
replacement, Kitty Kowalski. Frank Langella was okay as Perry White but
Jackie Cooper was better. James Marsden was okay as Richard White. It's
obvious that Singer cast him after working with him on X-Men and X2:
X-Men United. And Kevin Spacey outshined everyone in his performance as
Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mastermind of our time. I LOVED Spacey
in the role so much more than Gene Hackman. It's a shame that Spacey
didn't have an epic Superman movie to star in because I think he would
have been great in a more action packed Superman movie.
The direction by Bryan Singer was hit and miss. His
visuals were good, but the pacing just dragged and dragged. The movie
should have just been 2 hours and had more action to juice it up to
being more entertaining. Also many Marvel fans are pissed off at Singer
for abandoning the X-Men franchise to direct this film, therefore
letting Brett Ratner create X-Men: The Last Stand. Singer should have
made the franchise feel fresh instead of trying to be Superman The Movie
again. We're in a new generation than we were back in 1978 and want a
Superman to be one for the 21st Century, not dwelling on the past. I
would have been curious to see that Kevin Smith Superman movie. But, I
am happy that we didn't get the Tim Burton Superman starring Nicholas
Cage as the Man of Steel. Yikes! So with that, Singer's visuals were
right but the story and tone were outdated.

Overall, Superman Returns is not a bad film but it is not
really a good film either. It's just an average Superman movie, but not
the thrilling sci fi epic that we DC Comics and Superman fans have been
waiting for. That film my friends comes to theaters Friday to a theater
near you! So go check out Man of Steel where we actually get to see some
hardcore action and a Superman for a new generation!
Agree about Superman Returns, it wasn't what we all expected, but damn, I saw Man of Steel last night and it blew me away! A few hiccups here and there....but for the most part, an action packed summer spectacle!