
Terrifier 3 (2024)


Damien Leone


David Howard Thornton - Art the Clown

Lauren LaVera - Sienna Shaw 

Elliott Fullam - Jonathan Shaw 

Samatha Scaffidi - Vicky Heyes 

Margaret Anne Florence - Jess Shaw

Bryce Johnson - Greg Shaw 

Genre - Horror/Slasher/Holiday 

Running Time - 125 Minutes


Five years after surviving Art the Clown’s Halloween massacre, Sienna and Jonathan are still struggling to rebuild their shattered lives. As the holiday season approaches, they try to embrace the Christmas spirit and leave the horrors of the past behind. But just when they think they’re safe, Art returns, determined to turn their holiday cheer into a new nightmare. The festive season quickly unravels as Art unleashes his twisted brand of terror, proving that no holiday is safe.



  • A more focused story. While 2016’s TERRIFIER lacked a narrative and 2022’s TERRIFIER 2 may have used too much of one, 2024’s TERRIFER 3 manages to balance it out to craft a more straightforward plot that fits the 80s slasher theme better. I’ll get to the Christmas aspect in a bit [it definitely works here], but I appreciated that this sequel focused on the trauma that both Sienna and her brother Jonathan suffered in TERRIFIER 2 [which takes place five years prior to this film]. The slings try to move on with their lives separately, as Sienna has spent time at some sort of institution while Jonathan struggles to acclimate in a college environment. But both still suffer from PTSD and only have each other to vent about it, as everyone else around them either can never understand the torture they went through, or want to capitalize on their trauma for their own fame and fortune. Add in the return of Art the Clown and Vicky, who everyone other than the Shaw siblings treat as freaks or something amusing, and you have a haunting neither sibling can easily escape from. The use of trauma is nothing new in modern slasher films [Laurie Strode and Sidney Prescott anyone?] but considering how many view the TERRIFIER franchise, it’s a nice aspect to have that allows a level of grounding to a surreal series.

  • A stronger confidence in direction and acting. Damien Leone really ups his filmmaking cred with TERRIFIER 3, being both subtle and over-the-top at the same time - and doing it very well. I’ll get to the death sequences in a bit, but I will say that they weren’t as extreme as they were in the second film, while still maintaining a level of uncomfortability that would make vomiting and/or people walking out the theater understandable. I also felt that Leone didn’t pad the running time with random stuff or gags, embracing the idea of giving certain information that could appear meaningless when they’re introduced but become quite important in later parts of the film. The running time, which is still quite long, flowed a bit better for me here.

As for the acting, it’s the best of the franchise so far. David Howard Thornton can play Art the Clown in his sleep at this point, balancing the silliness of the character with a level of menace that’s a bit unsettling. Samatha Scaffidi as the returning Vicky gets the most to do since the first film, creating a villain of her own that’s super memorable. Elliott Fullam does the best he can with what he’s given, while newcomer Margaret Anne Florence is a great addition to the cast as young cousin Jess. But Lauren LaVera really comes into her own as Sienna, finally becoming a true Final Girl with a strong performance from beginning to end. You hits every emotional beat needed as a traumatized survivor, while being a true badass when she has to defend herself against Art and Vicky. It’s easy to see why she’s in high demand in the genre right now, as LaVera carries the film extremely well.

  • The gore. While I don’t think anything in this film beats that bedroom sequence in TERRIFIER 2, Leone sure comes close in TERRIFIER 3. The opening scene isn’t for the weak of heart, quickly letting the audience know what type of movie this is. It’s violent, bloody and even children aren’t safe. The final confrontation is also messed up visually, with mutilated body parts and even fantastical sequences that will combat your sense of disbelief. But the one memorable death sequence involves a college dorm bathroom and a chainsaw to male genitals… yeah, I felt every second of that indirectly. Fans looking for blood and guts will not be disappointed here.

  • The Christmas aesthetic. I think the most exciting aspect of the film for me is that it takes place during the holidays. While Christmas horror is nothing new, it’s refreshing to see one take place within an already-established franchise that never focused on the holiday itself. The first two TERRIFIER films took place around Halloween time, so switching it to a holiday that many consider sacred is a move that works in this sequel’s favor. We get Art dressed like Santa for much of the film, as he goes to malls to disturb people, while also invading homes to deliver “presents”. There’s snow on the ground. There are Christmas lights and decorations all over the place. There’s even a scene where Art “bonds” with a fake Santa Claus in a bar. More established franchises should have taken this step and changed up the atmosphere because TERRIFIER 3 has a nice reason to memorably exist because of it.


  • That unseen death. I’m not going to spoil anything about the film, but this part of the film still bugs me. You can’t establish a character, make them feel important and then just eliminate them from the story offscreen without some sort of explanation visually. I hope this is the case where if you don’t see someone die on screen, that means they’re still alive to be used in a future installment. But if not, Damien Leone is a ballsy guy because this may alienate some fans of the franchise if this is not followed up upon in the fourth movie.

  • Not as fun as the second film. While TERRIFIER 3 is a good time if you know what you’re getting into, I actually prefer the vibe of the second film more. The synthwave, 80s atmosphere is one that will catch and keep my attention right away and TERRIFIER 3 doesn’t really have that. Also, a lot of the characters in this film don’t really stand out like they did in the second film [Sienna’s friends, in particular]. I think it’s a case where we’ve been through this kind of film three times already, so it feels less fresh with each installment. TERRIFIER 3 is total popcorn entertainment that improves upon a lot of things from previous films. But I felt TERRIFIER 2 was a bit more carefree and exciting due to what it presented. Both films are still better than the overrated first film though.

  • Art the Clown kind of being overshadowed in his own franchise. Am I the only one who felt Vicky was a more interesting antagonist than Art was in this film? Her character arc since the first film still fascinates me to the point where I want to see more of her and whatever she plans on doing on Art’s behalf. During the final act in particular, she was such a force and presence that I forgot that Art was even in the scene with her. While I like the idea of these two characters working together to create chaos, I think Art should definitely be the star and not play second-fiddle to another villain. It felt like that for a few minutes and I found it both interesting and worrying.


While I found the second film to be a more fun experience overall, I do think TERRIFIER 3 does improve upon that film in a lot of ways. I like that the fantastical narrative of the second film is a bit more streamlined and grounded in this movie [besides certain things in the final act]. The use of PTSD and trauma is used very well here and it will only fuel the fire going forward. Damien Leone’s direction is more confident and focused when it comes to pacing, the death sequences [that chainsaw scene, yo] and the great use of the Christmas aesthetic. The acting is also an improvement, especially by Lauren LaVera, who gives her all as a young woman who continues to struggle with the torture Art the Clown has put her and her family through. David Howard Thornton is still wonderful as the villain, now able to play the role in his sleep at this point. 

That being said, I feel that returning character Vicky kind of overshadows Art a bit during the final act, which is fine if you’re not trying to establish one of them as the next big horror baddie. I think Art will be fine, though. I also prefer the 80s, synthwave vibe of the second film despite its longer running time. And if that unseen death for an established character is legit, I’m not a fan of that move at all.

Other than that, TERRIFIER 3 isn’t for everyone. But if you enjoy tons of gore, a fun Christmas horror aesthetic and improved acting and production, I would stick with this franchise and get excited for what the filmmakers are cooking up next. Otherwise, be prepared to be on Art’s naughty list and I don’t think your private regions will want that.


3 Howls Outta 4

(8 out of 10)

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